Luxury Living

The Joys of Being an Empty Nester & What it Means for Your Home

the lifestyle of Empty Nesters their living space

Being Empty Nesters is Being More for Yourselves

Here we outline the benefits of being empty nesters and the joy of living life ahead.

→ People are Staying Younger for Longer, and Embracing Life More Fully

Retirement is becoming an antiquated term – Why?  Because many of us spend the first half of our lives building our careers and raising children.  Here’s the interesting thing though… studies show that more and more people in mid-life are embracing the possibilities of pivoting and embarking on a ‘second’ career.

Empty nesters are afforded the time to truly find themselves after their children move away from home. One of the most significant benefits of being empty nesters is the ability to do things for yourself instead of focusing on the wants of others.

→ A Renewed Focus on Relationships

It doesn’t matter if these relationships are romantic, familial, or friendships; they all help adults remain social and engaged in the lives of others.  Meaningful human connection is the no. 1 predictor of living a healthy and long life.

Empty Nesters enjoying dinner and wine

→ Access to Luxury Goods

With the children out of the home, it’s once again ‘safe’ to buy the luxury goods you’ve been desiring for years and invest in the things that bring YOU and your partner joy. You will have more space for connection and creativity–to be unique and adventurous with your design

This can look like a large soaker tub with beautiful brass faucets creating a spa-like look and feel, cozy accent lounge chairs for reading or your favourite-napping.  Or a wine cellar or coffee bar for your specialty morning and afternoon indulgence. 

As Empty Nesters, What You Should Consider in Your Own Living Space

Consider repurposing your living space once your children have moved out, leaving you with extra, underutilized rooms. This is the perfect time to transform these areas to better suit your current needs and interests. Whether you create a home office, a hobby room, a guest suite, or simply declutter, you can reimagine the space for a new phase of life.

If you’re an empty nester looking to invest in your space to create something lavish for you and your partner, let me guide you in expanding your vision and bringing it to life.

Reach out to learn more. 




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